THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda | On December
30, 2018, President Yoweri Museveni tweeted thanking Miss World Africa, Quiin
Abenakyo, for heeding his “advice” to keep her hair “natural”. Museveni claimed
that this asserts her “African identity”. “God beautifully created Africans and
there is no need to add or subtract anything,” the President tweeted.
I replied saying he had tweeted his comment in English,
itself a foreign language, yet he could have done this in Runyankore, Lusoga or
Swahili. Many responded saying the President used English to reach all Ugandans
since it is not only our lingua franca but also the official language of
Uganda. Granted! But Museveni could have tweeted in all the languages of
Uganda, and they are not many.
We must note that language in an expression of a people’s
culture. Therefore language is the most effective instrument to destroy the
identity of a people. As Amilcar Cabral argued, to dominate a nation by force
of arms is, above all, to take up arms to destroy, or at least neutralise and
paralyse its culture. Culture is much more expressed through language than
through hairstyles.
The two biggest assaults on African identity during colonial
rule were religion and language. Adopted foreign hairstyles, dress codes,
bleaching etc. were merely derivative. Chinua Achebe’s `Things Fall Apart’
presents the impact of the Christian religion on African society in one of the
most compelling dialogues of African literature. Obierika tells Okonkwo: “The
white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We
were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. But now he has won our
brothers and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the
things that held us together and we have fallen apart.”
The Christian conquest of our souls was made more effective
through language. In the English language, everything negative is black:
blackmail, blacklist, black book, black market, black sheep or black Monday.
Meanwhile words like whitewash give positive imagery of whiteness. Hence the
African Christian can be heard praying loudly: “Wash me redeemer, I shall be
whiter than snow.”
Indeed, there are very many contradictions regarding
Africanising names, languages, practices, institutions, dressing and
hairstyles. For example, Museveni always wears suits, which are not an
“African” dress code. The institutions of the state of Uganda that he leads are
not an assertion of African identity but a copy and paste from Western nations.
The ideologies he has always embraced – initially Marxism and later
neoliberalism – are not African. He is a Christian, a religion that was imposed
on us through colonial conquest. His name Yoweri is the vernacular version of
Joel from the Bible. Indeed, the names of his daughters – Diana, Natasha and
Patience – are not African either.
Secondly, in `Sowing the Mustard’, Museveni blames
former president, Milton Obote, for not promoting Swahili as a national language
for Uganda the same way Julius Nyerere and Jomo Kenyatta had done in Tanzania
and Kenya respectively. Obote led Uganda for a combined period of 14 years
while Museveni has done 32 years. Therefore, according to Museveni’s standard,
he carries the blame for keeping English as our lingua franca for this
So if we have accepted a non-African language as our
official language (in spite of its degradation of everything African or black),
adopted a non-African dress code, embraced non-African religions (Christianity
and Islam), and use non-African institutions, why should we not use non-African
hairstyles? Indeed, non-African institutions dominate our policy-making
processes to wit the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and bilateral
donors such as USAID, DFID, SIDA, etc.
Museveni lectures often in English
We have naively embraced Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as
the strategy for our development and international competitive bidding as the
method for selecting those who build our infrastructure. Hence, foreign firms
own the commanding heights of our economy just as they win all major
construction contracts. This is largely because we believe that foreigners can
manage and/or build things better than ourselves. This lack of faith in
ourselves is much more damaging to the long term prospects of developing our
country and asserting our African identity than Miss World Africa wearing an
Indian weave on her hair.
The reader should not mistake me to be suggesting that we
abandon English, chase foreign investors and contractors and drop our foreign
names. Indeed, I am a proud bearer of the name Andrew, often dress in European
clothes and English is the only language I am fully fluent in. The Japanese,
Koreans and Chinese wear Western suits and speak English but have not lost
their identity. As Aime Cesaire put it in his essay, `Discourse on
Colonialism’, civilizations that withdraw into themselves end up
suffocating themselves in their self-enclosure. And as Ngugi Wa Thiongo has
argued, cultural contact is the oxygen of any civilization.
The real question is how do we adopt, digest and use foreign
cultural, political and economic resources for our benefit? We should attract
FDI not to supplant but supplement our local investors.
For example, Kiira Motors can partner with Hyundai (giving
them a 20% stake) in order to benefit from their capital, skills, technology,
experience, global market networks etc. Foreign construction firms are welcome
if we can ensure they help us develop our skills and diffuse their technical
knowledge locally. But Museveni has presided over a state that has handed the
entire economy to foreign firms, displacing existing local firms and/or
stifling their growth.
So the fundamental question is: who chooses which aspects of
the African identity we should uphold and which should we ignore? I have not
seen Museveni wearing traditional Kinyankore/Hima dress leave alone the kanzu
(tunic) in decades. Our president treats traditional Africa religion as
superstition as if Christianity is not equally superstitious. I, therefore,
found his emphasis on the hairstyle arbitrary – not so much aimed at promoting
some “authentic African identity” (whatever that would mean) – but rather to
conform to his tastes.
Therefore, to address hairstyle and ignore language and
religion, ideology and institutions in identity is to chase the rat and ignore
the elephant in your plantation. The use of foreign languages and religions is
more culturally damaging to the African identity than wearing a “non-African”
(whatever that means) hairstyle. The overzealous reliance on foreign investors
and contractors, often at the expense of local ones, is more damaging to our
economy than wearing foreign hairstyles.
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