Why the president’s defence of squatters is humane but
economically retrogressive
New Year speech, President Yoweri Museveni reiterated his commitment to defend
squatters being evicted by “land grabbers”. Yet he also promised to protect the
ownership rights of title holders. In trying to please both, Museveni may be
doing good politics but it is bad economics. Here is why.
At the heart of capitalist development (all “advanced”
countries in the world today are capitalist) is the transition of most people’s
livelihoods from depending on agriculture to depending on industry and moving
from rural to urban areas. The persistence of peasant agriculture in Uganda as
the main source of livelihood for the vast majority of our people is only a
re-statement of our continued backwardness and poverty.
In most of Europe, the transition from agriculture to
industry was brutal. It involved the forceful expropriation of land from
peasants to commercial interests. This paved way for commercial relations to
penetrate and transform agrarian structures. The expropriated peasants were
reunited to the land through the agency and initiative of capital – as an
agricultural proletariat. The other expropriated peasants went into cities
where, destitute, they were willing to accept substandard wages in factories.
This made growth of manufacturing possible, thereby paving way for the
industrialisation of Western Europe.
Contrary to a historical but popular beliefs common most
especially among African elites and their cheer leaders in the West, the rise
of the West from poverty to affluence was not initiated by kind and benign
leaders seeking to improve the welfare of the vast majority of their citizens.
Rather it was championed by a very small, selfish and greedy group of
industrialists, merchants and commercial farmers who allied with the state to
expropriate ordinary peasants of their land and exploit workers via substandard
wages. Due to the inhumanity of this process, Karl Marx said capitalism came to
the world “dripping with the blood of labour”.
Pre-capitalist Europe was feudal; a mode of production
characterised by land. Land was owned by landlords, tilled by peasants. The
peasant decided what to produce e.g. rare chicken or goats, plant beans or
peas. He would pay the landlord rent in kind or in money. Thus those who owned
land did not control the production process i.e. did not decide what to
produce, using which technology, in what quantities, and for which market.
Those who tilled the land did not own it. This made feudalism retrogressive
because the owner of the asset did not control the production process.
Capitalism is dynamic because it fuses user and ownership rights.
In Uganda, the 1998 Land Act recreated feudal relations in
agriculture. It left the holders of title as legal owners and gave security of
tenure to squatters by issuing them “certificates of occupancy.” This made both
sides losers. While the tenant has security of tenure via his certificate of
occupancy, the land is encumbered by a title held by the landlord. The landlord
has title but it is also encumbered by the certificate of occupancy of the
Under these circumstances, a bank would find it difficult to
lend anyone of them because of these competing user and ownership claims.
Equally someone trying to buy such land has to negotiate with the user and the
owner thereby increasing transaction costs and creating uncertainty. This
undermines land as a commodity that can be easily traded.
Capitalism is dynamic because it commoditises land and
labour. In medieval times, land and labour did not exist as freely and easily
traded commodities. Labour existed only as human beings and land as soil to be
tilled. But the idea of abstract land and abstract labour i.e. as agents of
production – impersonal, dehumanised economic entities, did not exist.
There were lands of course – estates, manors, and
principalities. But they were not “real estate” as we know it today available
for buying and selling as the occasion warranted. Land could be sold under some
circumstances (with many strings attached) but was not generally for sale.
Nobles owned land but no self-respecting nobleman would sell his estates –
exactly the same way Museveni cannot sell Karamoja to Kenya today.
The same situation pertained to labour. The medieval world
had serfs, peasants, cobblers, journeymen, apprentices who laboured. But these
did not constitute today’s vast network of job-seeking individuals selling
their services to the highest bidder. The peasant tilled the master’s land and
paid rent in money or in kind. The apprentice entered the service of his master
and his hours of work, pay or length of his apprenticeship were regulated by
the guild. There was no bargaining between master and servant.
The situation pertaining to land and labour in Uganda today
that Museveni is trying to protect is similar to this medieval economically
retrogressive feudal system. The peasants Museveni is protecting do not hold
land as real estate i.e. a commodity to be bought and sold as circumstances
warrant. Rather they hold it for its subsistence and customary value. They use
the land to meet their subsistence needs, a factor that makes the market
secondary to their lives.
The customary value of land is embedded in the fact that for
many (if not most) peasants, it is inconceivable to sell it. This is because some
have their graves on it and selling it would offend the dead, anger their
ancestral spirits or raise the ire of the gods.
Museveni may not realise that his humane actions actually
stifle progress to commoditisation of both land and labour. The persistence of
the subsistence economy makes it difficult to release human beings in
agriculture to be available for industry as labour. The peasant will not accept
to migrate to cities to earn substandard wages in industry if he can live by
his garden.
Thus, in the short term, Museveni is protecting the
peasant’s current subsistence. But this is at the price of crippling the
mechanism, brutal and dehumanising though it is, that transforms the peasant
into an industrial proletariat. And this process will, in the long term, make
the peasant better off. Secondly, it is very difficult to create a large market
when peasants are self-sufficient i.e. produce most of what they consume.
Without land, peasants meet their needs purely from the market.
Rampant land grabbing is suggestive that commercial
agriculture is becoming attractive business. In blocking land grabbers,
Museveni is being humane but not developmental. There may be humane ways to
eliminate the peas-antry but they are a very slow process. Historically, this transformation
has not involved kissing and hugging. Museveni’s saving grace is that Uganda’s
politics may not allow short term costs that make possible transformation in
the long term.
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